Tax Benefits

The donations to the Centro Studi Platone as a nonprofit organization registered by 2002 to the Regional Register of Volunteering Associations of Lazio, according to law no. 266 of 1991, by any means of payment, excluding cash, enjoy the following tax benefits, within the limits and under the conditions set by the law:

  • for natural persons only, cash donations are deductible from the gross tax as for the 35% of the total amount up to a maximum of 30.000 € (art. 83 paragraph 1 Legislative Decree 117/2017 – Code of the Third Sector) as liberal payments in cash or in kind made to the Centro Studi Platone Onlus.


  • for individuals, institutions and companies, are deductible within the limit of 10% of their total income declared (art. 83 paragraph 2 Legislative Decree 117/2017) as the liberal payments in cash or in kind made at the Centro Studi Platone Onlus. If this amount is greater than the total income declared, less all deductions, the excess may be deducted from the total income of subsequent tax periods, up to the fourth year, up to the amount.